Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How were the lives of the Plains Indians in the second half essays

How were the lives of the Plains Indians in the second half essays In 1830s the Plains Indians were sent to the Great American Deserts in the west because Indians in white mens objectives did not deserve a good fertile land to live on. When the white men realized they could still use the land they gave the Natives because the land could support agriculture, in 1850s white men wanted Indians out of their deserts. The government extinguished Indian rights to millions of acres just to get the good land back, and ordered the army to keep Indians on their assigned restrictions. The government wanted to bribe Natives because of what they believed Native Americans been pushed across the continent, they have no future to go so their future must be determined. Also, the government wanted technological changed such as building the Central Pacific Railroads in the areas where Natives lived. The white men killed Indians buffalo and took action to wipe the Plains Indians out with the Custers last Stand, Americanization, Dawes Act, and the wounded knee massacre a nd there changed the lives of the Natives forever. Crazy horse, a military genius saw a vision that American forces could be defeated before they kill all the Natives for their land and the Black Hills. Before general Crooks and Custer were going to attack the Sioux Crazy Horse with the help of Sitting Bull prepared a military and won a battle against General Custer and his men. Custer and his men died because Crazy Horses boys were bigger and stronger. After Custers Last Stand was over the Sioux were also defeated and broken. US government wanted the Black Hills so strongly that they asked Native Americans to sign the treaty of leaving the Black Hills or they would take the food out the reservations and starve the Indians to death. Sitting Bull signed the treaty and Black hills become legally of the US by 1877. Custers Last Stand and the Removal from black hills changed the Nat...